You Might Be Presbyterian
Jeff Foxworthy has “You Might Be a Redneck”.
Here’s “You Might Be Presbyterian” an earlier version was delivered at the Interfaith Comedy Fest, April 1st 2024 at Coffee N Comics in Reno, Nevada.
Christy and Tom Willadsen
- If you think spinkles on doughnuts are enough and dunking is unnecessary.
- If you ordain your coffee with equal amounts of sugar and cream to assure parity
- If you explain communion by intinction as “rip and dip”
- If you do your taxes decently and in order
- If you think it is normal to have Easter Sunrise service at 10 AM
- If you reject chess because the bishops have too much power
- If you’ve been asked why your church is banned from highways
- If you wonder why people just don’t leave their bibles in the pews for next Sunday
- If you wonder if tithing is before or after taxes
- If you wonder what tithing is
- If you know manse is not a skin disease
- If you invite a person to church without fail once a decade
- If you’ve wondered if a squirt gun could be used to secretly baptism people
- If you just wondered if secret baptism are in order
- If you ever wonder if a church prospect will be worth the per-capita.
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